Triangle Symbols

Here you will find various types of triangle symbols and their Alt codes, Html codes, and descriptions. You can copy and paste triangle symbol in any documents, blogs, web, etc. Click on the symbol to copy.

List of Triangle Symbol Alt Codes, Html Codes

Symbol Description Alt Code HTML Code
Black Up-Pointing Triangle 30 ▲
Black Down-pointing Triangle 31 ▼
Black Right-Pointing Pointer 16 ►
Black Left-Pointing Pointer 17 ◄
Black Right-pointing Triangle 9654 ▶
Black Left-pointing Triangle 9664 ◀
White Up-pointing Triangle 9651 △
Black Up-pointing Small Triangle 9652 ▴
White Up-pointing Small Triangle 9653 ▵
White Right-pointing Triangle 9655 ▷
Black Right-pointing Small Triangle 9656 ▸
White Right-pointing Small Triangle 9657 ▹
White Down-pointing Triangle 9661 ▽
Black Down-pointing Small Triangle 9662 ▾
White Down-pointing Small Triangle 9663 ▿
White Left-pointing Triangle 9665 ◁
Black Left-pointing Small Triangle 9666 ◂
White Left-pointing Small Triangle 9667 ◃
Symbol Description Alt Code HTML Code
Black Lower Right Triangle 9698 ◢
Black Lower Left Triangle 9699 ◣
Black Upper Left Triangle 9700 ◤
Black Upper Right Triangle 9701 ◥
White Up-pointing Triangle With Dot 9708 ◬
Up-Pointing Triangle with Left Half Black 9709 ◭
Up-Pointing Triangle with Right Half Black 9710 ◮
Upper Left Triangle 9720 ◸
Upper Right Triangle 9721 ◹
Lower Left Triangle 9722 ◺
Lower Right Triangle 9727 ◿
Triangle with Dot Above 10698 ⧊
Triangle with Underbar 10699 ⧋
Right Triangle Above Left Triangle 10702 ⧎
Left Triangle Beside Vertical Bar 10703 ⧏
Vertical Bar Beside Right Triangle 10704 ⧐
Down-Pointing Triangle with Left Half Black 10728 ⧨
Down-Pointing Triangle with Right Half Black 10729 ⧩
Large Left Triangle Operator 10782 ⨞
Circled Triangle Down 9098 ⎊

How to insert triangle symbol in Word, Excel and PowerPoint using Alt Codes?

Make sure the numeric keypad is activated on the keyboard. Place the cursor where the triangle symbol is required and then press and hold the Alt key and type the required alt code value from the above list and release the alt key.

Examples of Alt Keyboard Sequences

Alt + 16 =

Alt + 17 =

Alt + 30 =

Alt + 31 =

Note: Alt Codes works on Microsoft Windows Operating Systems. Almost all alt code shortcuts work on Microsoft Word but some alt codes may not work on Excel and PowerPoint documents.

If you want to know how to insert special characters & symbols using Windows Alt codes then please check out how to type special symbols on keyboard using Alt Codes.