Angle Symbols

Here you will find various types of angle symbols and their Alt codes, Html codes, and descriptions. You can copy and paste angle symbol in any documents, blogs, web, etc. Click on the symbol to copy.

List of Angle Symbol Alt Codes, Html Codes

Symbol Description Alt Code HTML Code
̚ Combining Left Angle Above 794 ̚
͉ Combining Left Angle Below 841 ͉
Right Angle 8735 ∟
Angle 8736 ∠
Measured Angle 8737 ∡
Spherical Angle 8738 ∢
Right Angle With Arc 8894 ⊾
Right Angle With Downwards Zigzag Arrow 9084 ⍼
Three Dimensional Angle 10176 ⟀
Measured Angle Opening Left 10651 ⦛
Right Angle Variant With Square 10652 ⦜
Measured Right Angle With Dot 10653 ⦝
Angle With S Inside 10654 ⦞
Symbol Description Alt Code HTML Code
Acute Angle 10655 ⦟
Spherical Angle Opening Left 10656 ⦠
Spherical Angle Opening Up 10657 ⦡
Turned Angle 10658 ⦢
Reversed Angle 10659 ⦣
Angle With Underbar 10660 ⦤
Reversed Angle With Underbar 10661 ⦥

How to insert angle symbol in Word using Alt Codes?

Make sure the numeric keypad is activated on the keyboard. Place the cursor where the angle symbol is required and then press and hold the Alt key and type the required alt code value from the above list and release the alt key.

Examples of Alt Keyboard Sequences

Alt + 8735 =

Alt + 8736 =

Alt + 8894 =

Note: Alt Codes works on Microsoft Windows Operating Systems. Almost all alt code shortcuts work on Microsoft Word but some alt codes may not work on Excel and PowerPoint documents.