Weather Symbols

Here you will find weather symbols and their Alt codes, Html codes, and descriptions. You can copy and paste weather symbol in any documents, blogs, web, etc. Click on the symbol to copy.

Weather Symbols And Their Names

Symbol Description Alt Code HTML Code
Black Sun with Rays 9728 ☀
Cloud 9729 ☁
Umbrella 9730 ☂
Lightning 9735 ☇
Thunderstorm 9736 ☈
Sun 9737 ☉
White Sun with Rays 9788 ☼
Sun Behind Cloud 9925 ⛅
Thunder Cloud and Rain 9928 ⛈
🌁 Foggy 127745 🌁
🌤 White Sun with Small Cloud 127780 🌤
🌥 White Sun Behind Cloud 127781 🌥
🌦 White Sun Behind Cloud with Rain 127782 🌦
🌧 Cloud with Rain 127783 🌧
🌨 Cloud with Snow 127784 🌨
🌩 Cloud with Lightning 127785 🌩
🌪 Cloud with Tornado 127786 🌪
🌫 Fog 127787 🌫