Star Symbols & Star Signs

Here you will find various types of star symbols with their alt codes and Html codes. You can simply copy and paste the star symbol text into any document, blog, web, etc. Click on the symbol to copy. You can use star emoji on social media websites, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram captions.

List of Star Symbol Alt Codes, Html Codes

Symbol Description Alt Code HTML Code
٭ Arabic Five Pointed Star 1645 ٭
۞ Arabic Start of Rub El Hizb 1758 ۞
Star Equals 8795 ≛
Star Operator 8902 ⋆
APL Functional Symbol Circle Star 9055 ⍟
Apl Functional Symbol Star Diaeresis 9059 ⍣
Black Star 9733 ★
White Star 9135 ☆
Star and Crescent 9770 ☪
Outlined White Star 9885 ⚝
Star Of David 10017 ✡
Black Four Pointed Star 10022 ✦
White Four Pointed Star 10023 ✧
Stress Outlined White Star 10025 ✩
Circled White Star 10026 ✪
Symbol Description Alt Code HTML Code
Open Centre Black Star 10027 ✫
Black Centre White Star 10028 ✬
Outlined Black Star 10029 ✭
Heavy Outlined Black Star 10030 ✮
Pinwheel Star 10031 ✯
Shadowed White Star 10032 ✰
Eight Pointed Black Star 10036 ✴
Eight Pointed Pinwheel Star 10037 ✵
Six Pointed Black Star 10038 ✶
Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black Star 10039 ✷
Heavy Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black Star 10040 ✸
Twelve Pointed Black Star 10041 ✹
Circled Open Centre Eight Pointed Star 10050 ❂

Star Emoji

symbol description alt code html code
White Medium Star 11088 ⭐
🌟 Glowing Star 127775 🌟
🌠 Shooting Star 127776 🌠
🔯 Six Pointed Star with Middle Dot 128303 🔯

How to insert star symbol in Word using Alt Codes?

Make sure the numeric keypad is activated on the keyboard. Place the cursor where the star symbol is required and then press and hold the Alt key and type the required alt code value from the above list and release the alt key.

Examples of Alt Keyboard Sequences

Alt + 9733 =

Alt + 9734 =

Alt + 10026 =

Note: Alt Codes works on Microsoft Windows Operating Systems. Almost all alt code shortcuts work on Microsoft Word but some alt codes may not work on Excel and PowerPoint documents.

If you want to know how to insert special characters & symbols using Windows Alt codes. Please check out how to use Alt codes and also check the windows alt codes list.