Alt Codes for German Accents Marks

Here is the list of German alt codes, German accent codes, Html codes, and their descriptions. You can copy and paste German accents marks into Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Click on the German characters to copy.

List of Alt Codes for German letters with accents

German accents marks on letters

Symbol Description Alt Codes HTML Code
Ä Capital A with umlaut Alt 0196 Ä
ä Lowercase a with umlaut Alt 0228 ä
Ö Capital O with umlaut Alt 0214 Ö
ö Lowercase o with umlaut Alt 0246 ö
Ü Capital U with umlaut Alt 0220 Ü
ü Lowercase u with umlaut Alt 0252 ü
ß Eszett (ss) Alt 0223 ß

How to Type German Letters and Accents using Keyboard Alt Codes?

Make sure the numeric keypad is activated on the keyboard. Place the cursor where the German character is required and then press and hold the Alt key and type the required alt code value from the above list and release the alt key.

Examples of Alt Keyboard Sequences

Alt + 0196 = Ä

Alt + 0214 = Ö

Alt + 0220 = Ü

If you want to know how to insert special characters & symbols using Windows Alt codes then please check out how to use Alt codes and also check the alt codes for foreign letters.

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